The Team of Gkpopevents

Anni - Manager/ Leader

Khalisha - Influencer/ Photographer

Maha - Project Manager 

Filly - CO. Manager 

Lyneth - Helper since 2020

Maftuna - Helper since 2022

Linda - Sticker Designer 

Tine - Helper since 2020

Our Story

We attended our first event in September 2019 and thought we could do something like that ourselves. Since we had already done a lot in the Kpop area before (concert projects, etc.), the motivation was there for something bigger.


We held our first event in December 2019. And there were sooo many problems. At that time we still belonged to a Germany Cafe Event group and hadn't really used our site "gkpopevents" at all. There were arguments because we didn't know how best to divide things. Who gets how many cup holders and so on. After the Tae Event 2020 we left and became self-employed. We didn't want to fight over trivial things.


But when we left, the group we left had nothing better to do than suddenly play as competitors. We didn't want that. We were all ARMYs and tried to stay out of these problems that were NOT caused by us. Which wasn't easy... There aren't many Korean fansites that work globally. At that point we were also busy with our high school diploma and had problems other than arguments that didn't make any sense.


Luckily, I had a few personal contacts and was able to organize cupholders for us, but it was a competition against each other. Everyone wanted cup holders and the fansites only give cups to one city per country. And there was the problem again. If we got the cupholders, we were maligned by the group we worked with before. That was definitely a shame. Then came Corona.....


Another big hurdle: people were afraid to go out in public, keep their distance and so on. I dealt with so many rules, concepts and regulations... it was incredible. Our concept was approved and we were able to hold our Suga event late. Controlled by Corona and the situation, we developed further and grew larger. We got a lot of hate and problems. We would be irresponsible and so on to hold events in Corona times. That didn't stop us... We were also a ray of hope for the majority. However, at the end of 2020, someone thought they had to report us because she didn't win the raffle. So out of pure envy. That was a difficult time. I was lucky because my family knew a good lawyer and the woman who helped me in the city was so nice. But still, it wasn't nice. After that, the Lucky Draw was free, which is okay.

We learnt!


In 2021 everyone thought Corona was finally over, that wasn't the case. And we had a few problems in our location. More was simply expected and the relationship with each other became unpleasant. Many people also wanted a larger space. More tables and so on, that's exactly how I saw it.


We researched for ages, but in August 2022 I found a new store. Where we are right now.


New location, new possibilities, new reach.
We got all of that through the change. We grew extremely after the Jungkook Event and were able to welcome more 400 Armys in 2022. Normally we always had 250 per weekend.

We were able to decorate a lot more, have more photo spots and, above all, there was finally more space for you!

August 2023... The Jungkook event has already happened and we've officially been in our new location for 1 year. We plan more and more and try our best to admit. To learn from mistakes and always look forward!


Its 2024 and we already planned a lot for the upcoming year !